Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Abroad Fever

It’s a new month, new resolutions, new goals to achieve, new targets to achieve, for some the goal is to leave motherland. Who in this country doesn’t want to be a “been to” (a vernacular term for one who has been abroad and back). Everybody wants to leave the shores of Nigeria; The rich wants to go for summer, give birth to their children so they can be citizens, business...The not so rich want to go and search for the golden fleece. The favorite destinations are US,UK…..the list goes on and on. So long as it is “oyibo land” and one can earn in foreign currency. Despite the degrading treatment we get at the various embassies (have you been to the US embassy lately? It almost reminds you of a refugee camp, you will shed tears for Nigerians if you do), We still throng out each time with more resolve to make it through the interview (Doesn’t that tell you something about Nigerians? We are resilient). But wait oh! Who says we all go to the embassy? If bobo just find way reach morocco or libya, bobo don enter Europe be that.

I wonder when this craze to abandon Nigeria will end. I wouldn’t say the economy and the job situation is helping matters but the truth still remains the truth. North, South, home is best. No matter where you travel to and how much you earn, you will always be a foreigner, They will always find a way to remind you that you are a long way from home.


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