Saturday, July 29, 2006

My First Encounter..Hiv

Yeah! I know its been a while since my last post(dats because for the past couple of weeks I have been on a scientific expendition in a thick jungle seeking evidence of alien landing on earth without basic amenities talkless of internet connection, hey! just kiddin) but not to worry my post is gonna get regular now.....Its Disheartening to know that even with the wide spread coverage in the mass media (print,electronic...), countless seminars/workshops embarked upon by Government and NGOs. We still have enligthened, well educated africans (Nigerians more like) who dont believe its existence. I have listened to some of these prates and to me they all sound like a composition of lame excuses.They include; 1) Its a disease like any other so whats the hulla bulla about 2)Every bodys gonna die so if I die of Aids no big deal 3) Its Gods scythe to scourge the world of sinner (well maybe in a way) 4) it does not exist.The latter statement really really blows my mind (negativly oh) How can anybody in his right senses, open their mouth in this age and say it doesnt exist. But Hey! before I go any further I probably should make this lil confession first. I for one didnt give much thought to the whole Aids -saga (I guess I should be crucified), until it struck at a location near me. Yeah! my first encounter with an Hiv patient. Prior to being infected she was full of life and loved all the good things of life (maybe a little too much). She was very outgoing and fun to be with and God! was she pretty too. Suddenly she fell ill and her family put her in isolation in some hospital somewhere, And then in order to evade the stigma (especially for Naija) attatched to HIV victims, they said she was poisoned. But trust sharp Bobo's like me, we immediately declared our own verdict. HIV/AIDS. Just before her demise, she was allowed brought back o the house.GOD! I couldnt believe my eyes, I was so agahast that I could barely utter a word. though I did my best to hid my emotions but maybe a little filtered out. She was a shadow of her former self, sunken eye balls, acute weight loss.. I wouldnt want to divulge into the gory details.But on that day something changed in me. I knew how real and potent AIDS was, why a lot of time and effort were beign thrown into preaching the Anti-Hiv message. I knew that I had to do something in my little way in making sure that one less person gets infected. Think about it, what have you done to help? have you even tried protecting your self. Please spread the message and not the virus


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